Friday, February 24, 2017

New Designs

Good Friday Everyone!
I just wanted to show you my new designs!  The first is a follow-up to "Do More of What Makes You Happy" which was released a couple of months ago.  My latest design is called "Be Happy", just a small reminder that we all have things in our life that make us Happy and Thankful and we can be an inspiration to others who might be going through something tough.
"Be Happy"
32 count Confederate Grey Linen

Also, I will have a Limited Edition Kit which will be distributed by Norden Crafts at the Nashville Market in a couple of weeks.  Shop owners, please go by their Suite if you are interested in this kit. If you are attending the market, you can also Pre-Order by contacting Norden Crafts.  The kit is called "Home Sweet Home".
Home Sweet Home Limited Edition Kit at Nashville Market

Hope you have a weekend of fun & stitching!