Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Boo Boos and Other Stuff

I am patiently waiting for my "Live Simply" sampler to come back from the framer. Well, not exactly patiently....I get so excited when I have a new Chart about to be published. It's exciting to see which ones become favorites. The Ann Merchant sampler is being stitched for me while I work on my series. I have had such a time getting this series ready...first my sweet little dog, Coco decided to eat my chart which had all of my color notes on it. I'll have to post a picture of her. She is my helper...she loves to sit beside me as I stitch....sit on my lap when I'm on the computer charting and pretty much follows me around where ever I go. Anyway, after I recovered the color codes, I started through the first one, started on "Care Deeply" stitched the whole thing and was so proud of myself. Got it ready for framing....looked down and saw I left the f out of the chart. Now how could I chart and stitch the whole thing and not miss the f ??? If it had been the j or u, I would have just said I did it on purpose. Those were the two letters that were left off of a lot of early samplers. But since I didn't think anyone would believe me...I stitched the entire thing over. Mistake was at the top of the chart, just seemed like it made more sense. I'm about halfway through the second and I actually like it better. Someday I'll get this series finished. Another great thing that happened...I usually stitch all of my own projects, but since I have a more than full time career as a non-profit executive director, I decided to have someone stitch my Ann Merchant reproduction. Asked around and found a wonderful lady who loves samplers as much as I do. I went over to visit her the other day to see how things were coming along and got to see lots of projects she has completed.she has attended many classes,with teachers like Merry Cox, who was my very first teacher. She also had a couple of antique samplers that she purchased on a trip to England. They were both beautiful...anyway we decided that in exchange for stitching my piece, I would chart one of her antique pieces for her. I love charting so it seemed like a great deal for both of us. I think we will probably work on some more projects together. My point to all of this is...stitchers are just great people!

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