Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hope you are enjoying your day!  I am thankful for so many things...a warm place to live...too much to eat...a great health...a wonderful design company....I could go on for pages.  I'm especially thankful this year because last year I had health issues around this time and was about to endure surgery.  This year the holidays will be even sweeter!  It's good to reflect. It makes you humble...that's not a bad thing!

This past week Faye from the Carolina Stitcher posted a new finish for my latest design, Merry Christmas Too Thee.  She was the also the original finisher for the pillow. She made the cutest ornament and you've got to see it.  I'd post the picture here but I'm having technical difficulties :).   Faye's work is beautiful and we'll be doing some things together again soon.

I'm finishing up my new design....poor thing doesn't have a name yet.  I've been re-watching the earlier seasons of Downton Abby so it reminds me of that era. And a couple of weeks ago I purchased another antique sampler and have already charted it.  Just need to stitch it up.
It came from an estate in Connecticut and has it's original Birdseye maple frame.  The glass is still intact and it appears to be the old waves type of glass.  Although it is not dated, my guess would be around 1830's.  It seems to have some of the same motifs and type of linen as my earlier sampler Ann Merchant.

My latest Trunk Show with The Crafty Ewe in Ohio just ended and my babies arrived home a few days ago.  Thank you to Carol for taking such good care of them.  And thank you everyone who purchased a design chart!

I'll be posting again soon with a peek of my newest design.  Happy Thanksgiving....and I hope you saved a little time to stitch today.


Monday, November 4, 2013

Even Designers Frog!!!!

Hi Everyone! 
This weekend I planned to stitch.  Sometimes life gets in the way of stitching and that is what has happened to me lately.  As much as I LOVE stitching, is not my full time job.  In my other life I am an Executive Director for a non-profit.  I LOVE it too!  So some times I don't get to design and stitch as much as I'd like to....Back to the planning to stitch this weekend....  I live in South Texas and it is HOT most of the time.  So to my further enjoyment, we had a small, I'm going to say cool front, not cold front.  But it did get into the upper 50's at night :)!  Anyway, Saturday morning I got up with big plans to finish half of my new design and then it happened!  I noticed the top part of my border seemed to be out of wack. After further review, I realized I would have to take out most of the top portion of the border.  So I frogged and frogged.....finally finished.  Now to start the top, then off to the left side, stitched half of that border.  It was late when I finished on Saturday eyes were tired.  Sitting in one place with minor breaks for a practically a day is hard work!  I thought I'll finish this to tomorrow.

Sunday morning....the sun is shining, it is cool and I finish up  a few things around the house and get ready to tackle my new design.....I pick up the piece and realize that I have stitch the entire border in the wrong color of green!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Needless to say, I spent the afternoon frogging again.....I couldn't live with the new color green!  When this piece is complete and framed, I know I will forget the pain it has caused me.... because this is not the first time I have frogged! 

Hope you have a great week!  Maybe next post, I'll be able to show you some fruits of my labor. 
