Monday, November 4, 2013

Even Designers Frog!!!!

Hi Everyone! 
This weekend I planned to stitch.  Sometimes life gets in the way of stitching and that is what has happened to me lately.  As much as I LOVE stitching, is not my full time job.  In my other life I am an Executive Director for a non-profit.  I LOVE it too!  So some times I don't get to design and stitch as much as I'd like to....Back to the planning to stitch this weekend....  I live in South Texas and it is HOT most of the time.  So to my further enjoyment, we had a small, I'm going to say cool front, not cold front.  But it did get into the upper 50's at night :)!  Anyway, Saturday morning I got up with big plans to finish half of my new design and then it happened!  I noticed the top part of my border seemed to be out of wack. After further review, I realized I would have to take out most of the top portion of the border.  So I frogged and frogged.....finally finished.  Now to start the top, then off to the left side, stitched half of that border.  It was late when I finished on Saturday eyes were tired.  Sitting in one place with minor breaks for a practically a day is hard work!  I thought I'll finish this to tomorrow.

Sunday morning....the sun is shining, it is cool and I finish up  a few things around the house and get ready to tackle my new design.....I pick up the piece and realize that I have stitch the entire border in the wrong color of green!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Needless to say, I spent the afternoon frogging again.....I couldn't live with the new color green!  When this piece is complete and framed, I know I will forget the pain it has caused me.... because this is not the first time I have frogged! 

Hope you have a great week!  Maybe next post, I'll be able to show you some fruits of my labor. 


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